New approaches to dementia care and life enrichment

I create interactive environments that improve outcomes in the lives of individuals with cognitive challenges. My work blends design, cognitive science, technology, and clinical practice to craft solutions that support both individuals and caregivers.

Delight > impact > trust

Creating delightful experiences for people with cognitive challenges sets the stage for more positive outcomes, such as a decrease in the use of psychotropics, increased trust in care-giving, and more effective tools and practices for staff.


Through evidence-based design informed by comprehensive domain research and stakeholder engagement, I strategically craft environments and experiences tailored to the needs of older adults and individuals with cognitive challenges. This work is done as a team.

My approach integrates an understanding of site and staff capacities, ensuring that every design enhances well-being, fosters independence, and brings delight.


Create Positive Results

Experiences for groups and institutions that help shape positive outcomes for individuals, staff, and loved ones. For example, developing, testing, and implementing multisensory experiences for people living with advanced stages of dementia. Visit the Memory Care Experience Station project.

Optimize Space

I work with groups and other designers to help utilize all aspects of a space and its related experiences (lounges, websites, and signage) to support clients, loved ones, and staff through life’s health and wellness challenges.